
  • Bronwen- As a writer… As an actor…

    Monday, January 10 The Make-Out Queen is a piece I wrote. I am also the only person who has ever performed it. I’ve been working on it for two years off and on, as a writer…as an actor… When I first started working on it I had no fear or panic about the writing… If […]

  • Lila- You can leave your hat off.

    Thursday, January 6 So I am excited because we open tomorrow night. And aside from that being exciting in and of itself (woohoo), I am particularly pleased because I will get to take off one of the hats I’ve been wearing these past months: the producer Top Hat. It’s been fun and challenging juggling everything […]

  • Lila- The word of Lucy.

    Monday, January 3 Akin to the word of God. Now I am not religious, but we sure as hell were blessed today cause Lucy was in residence with us and it was awesome. Angels came down, gave us tips you won’t hear from straight people and said fuck a lot. Total joy. It’s such a […]

  • Shannon Hates Writing

    Friday, December 31 Ok, so the ridiculous thing about writing this entry on love is that I am literally watching “Bridges of Madison County” at this very moment.  Alone.  With a bottle of wine.  Why do I put myself through this torture?  Because I love that narrow tipping point where friends become lovers, and I […]

  • Sarah- Love for the (Connect) Five Senses.

    Thursday, December 30 My nose loves:  Coffee grounds.  Daffodils.  The first smell of winter in the air; it’s usually in late September/early October and no matter where I am physically, suddenly my heart is spirited away to the street where I grew up. My tongue loves:  Fresh raspberries.  Peanut butter (the real stuff).  Garlic.  So […]