Michael- Final Leg of the Connect Five Journey: Unless It Turns Out There Are Other Legs Afterwards As Well

Tuesday, January 11

This, by contrast to my last entry, will be quite short and straightforward.

I hope that the 5th connection, the connection to the audience, is something I think all of us should want from it: which is that the members of the audience take away something, or think of or see something about life, that they wouldn’t have otherwise; something they even may have simply forgotten about otherwise, no matter how small or subtle it is.

The final leg of my journey has been the journey of any human being who has put a lot of work into something and is excited and curious to take account of the result.  That and this burger I had for lunch better be completely digested by show time ’cause we should have a huge one tonight.  It is our formal press opening!

Take care for now.

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