Shannon Hates Writing

Friday, December 31

Ok, so the ridiculous thing about writing this entry on love is that I am literally watching “Bridges of Madison County” at this very moment.  Alone.  With a bottle of wine.  Why do I put myself through this torture?  Because I love that narrow tipping point where friends become lovers, and I could watch it happen again and again.

I love exceptionally romantic movies and exceptionally romantic books, not the Harlequin type, but the really well written epic romance novels that take 8 nights to read and make you forget that you have to get up and go to work in the morning.  It’s escape, right?  Which is probably why I also love to hide sometimes where people can’t find me.  Not in the closet-under-the-stairs-way, but more like going for a long drive without telling anyone my plans.  I just got a smartphone and I hate how people can always get ahold of me now (though it’s really helpful/necessary/blah blah blah).  I think if i had a weekend totally free (which never happens) and an unlimited budget (yeah still not gonna happen) I would take my boyfriend and hide out on some boat for the weekend, bring all we need and not leave till we have to come back.  I would love that.

I had a seventy year old professor in college who lived during the summer with his wife on an island in Maine.  He said you could only get there by a private boat once or twice a day and that they always hid there, just the two of them, for the whole summer.  They had done it for decades.  To be able to spend that much time alone with your love must be amazing, and they would have to be pretty damn good friends to pull it off year after year.  Maybe my boyfriend and I will reach that point someday.  We began as best friends before we ever dated, so wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to enjoy each others company that much after decades together?

I love Meryl Streep, but I do kind of hate her accent in this movie. I love Clint Eastwood, but I totally thought it was Robert Redford who starred in this.  I guess I am thinking of “The Horse Whisperer”. I really love Robert Redford.

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